
Sunday, October 21, 2012


Nineteen Eighty-Four, like so many other books and movies, features characteristics of a dystopian society.  Orwell wrote the book to caution people about the danger of a world in which totalitarian regimes stifle the individuality and thought of its citizenry.  Many would argue that we are, indeed, living in a police state, an Orwellian society in which people's rights are being oppressed, in which government censorship and surveillance impede on people's privacy, and in which propaganda poisons the minds of citizens and forces the fear and disrespect of other cultures.  It would be easy to find evidence to support this notion, but I want you to focus on the opposite.  What things in the world are good?  What aspects of the world give you hope?  What evidence is there that the world in which we live, the world you will soon inherit, has value and gives cause for optimism?  What motivates you to get up in the morning instead of drawing the shade and saying, "Wake me up after the apocalypse"?  This can be simple.  Focus on the things that make your world happy.  Be specific.  Euchre?  Soccer?  Rain?  The Simpsons?  Bass Guitar?  Coco Puffs.  Make it personal.


  1. Although the world has a lot of bad found within it, there is also a lot of good. This morning I found it a lot harder to get out of bed when I did not have swim practice at 5:45. I thought about how swimming must motivate me to get up and I understood better why the majortiy of my friends complained about getting up in the morning. Family, friends, and people in general are another thing that are happy in my life. I often get excited in the morning to get up when I have plans to see my friends or do something, having a plan for my day makes me excited to get up and do anything and everything. As a kid something else that can keep me moving is looking forward to getting older and recieving new priveledges as I grow. The main aspect of the world that gives me hope is people. When people have a good attitude I feel that makes everyone more hopeful, also people's outstanding accomplishments and actions keep me hopeful because it is an example of what anyone can occomplish in life.

    1. I definitely agree with what you said about swimming motivating you in the morning. I've found that it's easier for me to wake up when I have high jump. When you're waking up for something you enjoy doing (as a whole), waking up hours before the sun comes up doesn't seem so bad.

  2. The thing that I've found about my life and the world that we live in is that there are a lot of bad things that you could focus all of your energy on: concentrating on hate of all the bad instead of love of all the good. But I've realized, especially recently, why waste your time? There are big, general things and events that make me happy, like spending time with my friends and family and earning new privileges, but I've noticed that what really makes me smile are smaller, specific things about my life. High jump is something that I enjoy and that motivates me, no matter how early I have to get up for morning weight lifting. I'm happy to do it, because it's for something that I love. The sensation of my muscles contracting with each "prancing" step (because there is no other word for it) until I use all of my power to propel myself over the bar can't be compared to any other feeling. I also like even simpler things, like making a list of what I have to accomplish in a day, and crossing each little item off until I've finished all of my tasks. If more people just thought about the simple things in life that make them happy instead of concentrating on the things that don't, then maybe everyone would learn from that group and this world would be a happier place.

    Grace Peterson
    2nd hour

    1. I agree with your outlook on wasting your energy on the bad. I also think concentrating on the good in life is so much healthier and happier when it comes down to it, even though sometimes that can be hard.

    2. I completely agree. Why waste time on the negative? Though, it is hard not to sometimes. It is always great to find something, no matter how small, to make you feel happy and lift your spirits. Great mentality Grace!
      Ronald Madrid 5th hour

    3. I agree that it's a lot better to focus on the positive things in life instead of the negative. You have a great outlook on life.

      Stephanie Sabo
      2nd hour

  3. There are so many things right in the world it is hard to pick.
    I think that the missionary work, that I see done around the world, is fantastic. At one point, I thought of joining a missions team, and I wanted to travel to impoverished countries to help and spread the Gospel. Though I thought better of it, I could donate the funding that the Church has been lacking, because one day, (hopefully) I will have a large sum of resources (money) to assist missions groups.
    I think the amazing technology that we are inventing is something to be marveled. Did you know there is regenerative therapy based off a pig growth hormone? Plus all the medical procedures we invent or improve astounds me. It amazes me and gives me hope tomorrow will be better.
    Even with these great marvels, I think what it really comes down to is your attitude. In the end if you let the world break you then you lose. If you stand up for what is right, and you remain strong, the world will always be a better place. The world is what we make of it. We can be salvation or decimation. In the end it is our choice.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I agree with you Ronald. Missionary work is a great thing. You are going good for others, which to me is a very good thing. And our technology seems to be growing every day, helping us live out our lives more easily. Also, I agree that standing up for what is right and remaining strong are great ways in which we could make the world a better place.

      Caleb Stalsonburg
      1st hour

    3. Good response, I admire your outlook on life, and agree with it. You must look in the good in everything and stay positive.

    4. I agree that the world is what you make of it. If you choose to focus on the good things the world will seem to be a brighter, happier place.

    5. I enjoyed reading your outlook on the future and found it interesting. I took a mission trip to Honduras and found it very rewarding. I agree that missionary work is a great thing that exists in our world today.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Many things in this world are good. Having caring people around you every single day is a good thing.And there are many charities that give hope to people with illnesses, which is a good thing. I believe that technology is a great thing that we have in our society today. We can get stuff done faster, which saves us time and everyone wants to do that. Our health now is better than it was a few decades ago, which is partially due to the advances in technology. Just having fun in life is something in life that helps me get up everyday, so in a way, humor is a good thing in our world today because it helps a lot of people deal with their everyday lives. No world is perfect, but I am positive that you can find good in all parts of the world, regardless of how bad they seem.

    Caleb Stalsonburg
    1st hour

    1. I think it's great you took the time to look at the positives of technology in society. Even though we hear all the "bad" news that it tends to bring, our society would suffer immensely without it. It's something to be appreciative of now and a curious thing to look for in the future.

    2. I totally agree with you with about how much technology has helped people out today. We relie so much on computers, phones, and television to get news or to make things easier for us. Technology today just makes life so much better and like you said also leads to better health because we have more and better information. Also I believe the same, all parts of the world have more good in them than bad.

      Shane Skorupski
      2nd. Hour

  6. There are few things that motivate me as much as the special education students in our building. I always have a lighthearted, airy change about me when and after I spend time with them. They offer me different perspectives, they show me that being happy is very simple, and they never lie about how they feel. This uncensored happiness/emotion is a continuous cycle of motivation in my life. They teach me more than I'd ever be capable of learning on my own. These guys give me hope for the future in the littlest ways, even as I watch them go about their daily lives with the biggest smiles on their faces.

    1. I agree that they show a perspective that none of us may see. We take everything for granted in todays society and it is a shame. We should learn to love the simple things and enjoy just being here.

    2. I think it is an amazing thing that they can have that affect on you. I agree that they can give you a different perpective on life. They always have a smile on their face and seem to be happy. I think that they would have affect and anyones life who takes the time to get to know them.

    3. I also think it is amazing that they have that affect on you and they definetly had the same affect on me while I was teaching them spanish.

  7. Today there are too many things wrong with the world. Our society has created so many problems that it is extremely hard to find a solution that fixes one without creating two more. Also the only thing that the news wants to tell us are the bad things that happen around us. When we turn on the news we more often here about a murder than a miracle cure or just a happy person. This may seem like I am a pessamistic person but that is wrong. I am quite the opposite. I do not listen to the news and love the fact that with so many diseases and plagues in our world, only a couple of minor things like gas prices are the majority of my worries. There are many beauties in this world and many ways to look at them, the only problem is that most people are not looking for the good in everyday situations.

  8. Lately all that anyone ever hears about is the negative, never anything positive. We tend to forget about the good things in life and get lost in all the negative. Somethings in the world that are good are how much people are willing to help eachother. Another thing is Honey Boo Boo Child. It is literally impossible to watch that show and not laugh. Another thing that makes me happy and makes the world a happy place would be baby snuggly wuggly kittens. There are so many more positive things that can be thought of then negative.

    1. I agree with Stephanie on all her points he made. People need to be more optimistic in life.

    2. I also enjoy snuggly wuggly kittens, Stephanie. I have never seen Honey Boo Boo Child but I can see you laughing about it. I also agree that people need to be more positive and optimistic.

  9. Alot of people now have only focused on the negative. There are alot of positive things in the world if you just take the time to think about them or find them. I believe that the missionary work being done and all the volunteer work is a greta thing. The things that make me happy are my friends, family, sports, ect.. I find it easyer to wake up and start my day if I have something planned for the day that I enjoy doing.

    1. I agree that it is easier to wake up in the morning if i have something exciting to do that day.

    2. I agree that a lot of people only focus on the negative. We take the positive things for-granted.

  10. The little stuff is what makes life interesting. It's the sports, spending time with friens, thunderstorms gaining friends. it can all be helped by everyone enjoying life and trying to focus on the little happy things in life

  11. There are many things in our society that are bad but compared with 1984 we have lots of freedom to do our own thing and the freedom to also say what we would like to say. As for my life I find happiness in sleeping and eating when swim practice is over which has taken up most of my life at the moment. But other things that make me happy are spending time with my close friends and also family. If you make the most out of what life gives you than you will find happiness, even if it is something that you may see everyday or once in a while. You have to enjoy the little things.

    1. I agree, we are lucky as a society compared to the society in 1984. I would also agree that it is crucial we enjoy the little things in life. You have a positive attitude and make great points.

    2. I'm right along with you about how you find happiness in sleeping. Naps are my main thing. They're sometimes the things to get me through the day. (:

      Mary Jo Koster
      1st hour

    3. I agree with you Danni on the fact that you can do things to find happiness. Your life doesn't control you; you can choose to control your life. By choosing to find the positive in things, you have won the battle of the world already. You can either be the kind of person who finds anything bad in the world, or you can choose to find small things that make you happy!

  12. Life is good. Food good. Friends good. Soccer good. Water good. Air good. Fun good. Animals good. Computor good. Popcorn good. Gogurt is just yogurt. Skiing good. Bacan good. Humor good. SNOWMINE good. KDot good. Kanye God. Pusha T god. Ghostface killa god. South Park good. Family Guy good. Tree good. Education good. Fire good. Light good. Sun good. Atmosphere good. Toes good. Knees good. google good. Powder good. Snow good. Rain good. Lightning good. Wind good. Albert Camus good. Sepia good. Pokemon good. Vase good. Chair good. Sofa good. Fruit good. Bag good. Bal good. You good.

    1. I like the creativity of this response. I like how it gave me a few laughs after scrolling through the comments.

    2. This is so funny! I love it. Way to be positive!

    3. Your post good. I liked the list you made. It was pretty funny reading through it.

    4. Very funny! But I think your creativity definitely points out how all these simple things are in fact "good".

    5. Sweet post Torden. I like your whole poetic thing you have going on and I vote your post MVP (most valuable post).

  13. Aspects of life such as friends, family, shopping all give me hope. I like a lot of things in this world, I wouldn't be able to list them in order of what i like most to what i like least. I think that just having caring people in the world gives everyone the idea of being optimistic. If the person sitting next to you is in a really good mood, then you would think that that would put you in a good mood as well. It's easy for me to get up in the morning when i know what I have panned besides school. If i have something that i like doing planned for after school, then i get excited for that and will want to get out of bed. Other things that make my world happy are getting good grades, that always feels good, ice cream, watching a really good, new movie and some other things i can't think of.

  14. I think people tend to focus on the bad in our world and always forget about the good. There is a lot of good things in or world, the best thing about it in my opinion is the fact that we can all be who ever we want. We have a lot of freedom that I think we take for granted and after reading Nineteen Eighty-Four I have realized that I have taken a lot of it for granted too. Things that make me happy individually would be my Camera, my friends, my family, the beach, TV, storms, swimming, food and the outdoors. Basically everything makes me happy but something’s more than others. There is a lot of good in our world like the fact we can be friends with whom ever we please, we can decide on what ever we want by our selves and I know the last few years have been kind of rocky economy wise but it could be way worse.

    ~Tristan Urry
    1st Hour

    1. You are right Tristan. It could be way worse and people take things for granted.

      Jake Chittenden
      1st Hour

    2. I agree, life is not so bad. We have Much freedom compared to 1984, and we are not forced to watch anything, we are not under surveillance anywhere near the extent of Oceania, and are generally in better living conditions. Life is actually pretty good.
      Caleb Blohm 1St

  15. I agree it is important to focus on the good in the world once in a while, because we are so wired as a society to focus on the bad. It is near impossible to watch the news and hear about truly good things happening in the world. If you surround yourself in a negative atmosphere, you will surely become negative as well. This is clearly what happened to Winston Smith in 1984.

    I try my best to have an optimistic attitude and do activities that make me happy. In summer I like to be outdoors, whether it be kayaking, biking, or just laying out on the beach. I also like to be with family and friends because they never fail to make me laugh. Animals and music are two of my passions as well. Without these things, I can imagine myself being very bitter and sad.

    Laurie English
    1st hour

    1. I love how in our community, we have the freedom to do anything to make us happy :) God Bless America

    2. I agree with you when you said " if you surround yourself in a negative atmosphere, you will surely become negative as well." This happens to most of us and brings us down.

  16. Alright, I am a pessimist. It pays to be one really. If you doubt something is not going to work you a) are prepared for the downfall or b) really excited and surprised when it turns out right! However, I am not a pessimist in everything. When it comes to society I have mixed views. It's easy to point out how society is in a bad state with lusts for power, money, drugs, alcohol, etc. but that's the way it always has been in history. the only difference has been technology.In 1984 and now we can watch anyone at any moment if we wanted to. If society is good and bad depends on how we use this technology. The way history flows is in a circle. History does repeat itself. We are ina good soceity because we are all still alive and are not any better than those who came before us. Or any worse off :) .... if any of that made sense :p

    Alicia Ryke
    1st hour

    1. P.S. I do not want to seem like a wildly depressing or angry person :) sorry if I do, I do have a lot of faith in society haha fyi

  17. There's good and bad everywhere you look. Many people just take the time to look at the bad. What motivates me to get up every morning is the goals I set for myself. My future is what I'm working towards. School, sports, family, and friends are what hold my days together.We tend to only hear about the negative in life, never the positive anymore. Any person can accomplish something. We just all have to believe in ourselves that we can make it happen. Don't look down on life, look forward!

    1. I completely agree with you. If you work toward a greater goal, it may have ups and downs, but keep your head up and look at the support around you, and believe in yourself, anything is possible!

  18. I like to wake up to chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, and some orange. I like lots of fruit too. Peaches at every meal is a usual. There are tons of good foods to eat. That makes the world a better place. People that hold doors are not very common but when you get one it just makes them that much better. Genuinely nice people that say hi and smile at you are a really good thing. All sports are fun to play and the events are fun to attend. Sports are what motivate me. School not so much but I know that if I don't go to school then no sports. People motivate me too. Friends give you a reason to wake up. Friends also allow you to play euchre but not solataire. You can play that one on your own. Up until the course was taken down at Rycenga Park, disc golf was a fun activity. The best part about that was that it was free. Free things are good in the world. You can go get a free taco at Taco Bell... oh by the way. McDonald's is great to go get and it is really good for you so it's like a double bonus. Pets are fun to pet and have. There are plenty of good things in the world. Sometimes people just fail to notice them.

    1. I agree,food is a great example of the good in this world. Connor Galligan

    2. I agree with Jake on the food part. I myself like to wake up in the morning just because of food-pancakes sound really good right now. Also when someone holds the door for you and you rarely get that, it can make a person feel really happy. Smiles and saying hi definitely makes a person feel great.

  19. In life, one of my favorite things is making new friends. I love learning about new people and getting to know them. But also keeping friends is important to me. I enjoy going to sports games with friends and cheering with them.
    Another thing that brightens my day is the sun. Being outside in the sun puts me in a happy, optimistic mood. The warm air makes me smile. There are plenty of other things that make me happy, but those are just a few.

  20. There are a lot of things that I notice that are like in 1984, but the good things in life out-number then vastly. In my life, the biggest driving force, other than my family and friends of course, is the fact that I know if I try hard everyday at something I will make a difference, be it at work or in society. If you think about it, everything you do has an impact on someone else. Its the cycle of life. And I don't want to sound like a broken record of things we hear everyday. but if you be nice to somebody for a minute, they might have a better day, or may save them. I've had an experience with that, and it changed my perspective on the small things like that, and I saw that those small things matter a lot more when you think you have nothing else. But there are a lot things in life that make it worth it. And another thing, music is always a good thing.

    1. I completely agree that you never know when you will brighten someone's day. Anyone can do positive things and when you do, it is what people will remember you by.

  21. One of the most important aspects of the world today and one that I know I have been blessed with is family. I get up every morning with the motivation to succeed in the world within which I live because I have been blessed with the opportunity to do so by an extremely giving and caring mother and father. I also extend my thoughts to my extended family, and know that having such a close knit group of people surrounding my life makes me want to succeed. I look at little things like Big Ten Football on saturday afternoons in the fall, the christmas vacations taken to Florida, or even the ones spent at home, the friendships we make with other kids, the sports/hobbies we participate in all give me hope for the world I live in. I agree with the above comment made by Jake that the free things in life such as memories made are what give the world hope. I also agree with the more McDonald's the merrier. There are plenty of things to be thankful for and to be quite honest, to look forward to.

    -Ben Keller(2nd)

  22. There are so many things that make me happy. Like just the other day, my mama woke up early to make me chocolate chip pancakes, and it absolutely made my day. It's really the little things like that that make me realize how blessed I am. People are always so focused on everything that goes wrong, that they forget about everything that goes right- and there really is so much that goes right. you just have to take the time to look for it.

    Jennie DeBlanc
    2nd hour

    1. I'm glad that you are able to find happiness in the small things like having chocolate chip pancakes, or not giving someone back their mittens.
      Ryan Galligan
      2nd hour

    2. I agree chocolate chip pancakes would make my day too! And it is true people do focus on the stuff that goes wrong. It's unfortunate that that is the way that things are in the world.
      Michaela De Jonge
      5th hour

  23. Sometimes I find that it is extremely difficult to focus on all of the good things in life. The bad usually seems to overpower the good. It's usually very little things that can make or break my day, a friend saying hello, an 'A' on my history test or a bag of Swedish fish.

    I've found that I am the happiest during the summer. Not because I'm out of school but because of the warm summer breeze and being able to relax on the beach without a thought crossing my mind. If every day were a beach day I'd be one happy camper. :D

    1. I agree with sam. Everything seems to focus on negativity for some reason but small things really can make a bad day into a good day.

  24. I love the world I live in. First I love my family. My family is very supporting, and looking at them I can see that there are good people in the world. Also my friends; they are always encouraging me to be the person that i am called to be. Some good things in this world are: Family dinners, pumpkin carving, NBA basketball, Sunday Mass, pizza rolls, fall walks, public parks, dogs, spongebob, and America.
    Connor Galligan
    1st hour

  25. Honestly there is a lot of really good things in the world. The technology that we live in is outstanding with all the new computers and cell phones that are constantly coming out. All the entertainment that is out there to watch like sports games movies and everything really. Even just sitting back and hanging with friends can be really enjoyable. Also the freedom to just go in a car and drive around to go where you want is awesome. Also food is delicious and can always be enjoyed whether its taco bell or a home cooked meal. There is so much good in the world that people can look at even when things seem really down if they just tried to search for it that it is hard to imagine something like nineteen eighty four could possibly take even some enjoyment out of all the positives of life.

    Tom Kordupel
    1st Hour

    1. Tom, I also agree with you that the technology that we have is really outstanding. Also watching sports on tv is good too.

  26. There are many reasons why I get up in the morning and many reasons why I love life. Mainly, those reasons are because of my friends and family. They make my life so much easier and help me through everything. I really enjoy sports and I think that my competitive nature also makes me enjoy life. Specifically I enjoy football the most. Sadly, my senior season has ended and I probably won't be playing competitively anymore but I will most definitely be playing pick up ball here and there throughout my life. Also school makes me get up in the morning, not really because I enjoy it so much, but because I have to go if I want to go somewhere in my life.

  27. The world I live in has a ton of good things going for it: my family, my friends, fall leaves, mac&cheese, babies, puppies, AFV, basketball, football, Life teen, Freedom team, focus, Cross country, haunted corn mazes, bowling, ham, Tobymac, pictures of me, women, fantasy football, real estate, and the country that God has Blessed me to live in. The USA.
    Ryan Galligan
    2nd hour

  28. Scrolling through these comments, I found myself agreeing with many of the points that were made. I am a strong advocate for looking on the positive side of life. Whenever I start to bring myself down about something, I find a reason to turn it around. It is very easy for people these days to focus on what they did wrong, when in actuality there are so many positive things about their lives.
    Things that make me happy and keep me going are tennis, golf, my family, my friends, and my dog. All of those things can put a smile on my face in a split second.
    Something else that keeps me going is school. Though it isn't the most fun thing in the world, it motivates me to get good grades, get into a good college, and be successful in my life.

    Faith Lee 5th hour

  29. Things in life don't always go the way you want them to. But while there are sad and unhappy things in the world you have to remember to keep your head up and look for the good and happy things. Some of the many reasons I get up in the morning are my family and friends. I know I have a group of people in my life that make me happy and that helps me get through my day. It reminds me that no matter what happens there is always someone there to catch me when I fall. Even the small things in life get me up and moving, like watching a movie that makes you laugh so hard you cry or eating an amazing dinner the night before and remembering that you have leftovers.
    Sometimes the bad things over power the happy things, but I just remember how extremely blessed I have been by the Lord, and where he has placed me in my life. There are so many other things in life to be thankful for and to look forward too. Sometimes everything just needs to be taken one step at a time. You'll always find something that brings you joy.
    Michaela De Jonge
    5th hour

    1. I agree that it is necessary to take stuff one step at a time. It is a lot easier to find and enjoy the good things in life.

  30. I think that the world we live in has many positive things about it. I find myself sometimes thinking on the opposite side and looking at the glass as half empty. Some good things that I enjoy in life are sports, family, friends, movies, music and Lucky Charms. I think that the world still shows signs of hope through happiness and friendships that are formed. I think that among the bad things that are happening in the world, many things still shine bright. The dream of a good life with people that I care about motivates me to get out of bed in the morning. I don't picture this utopia in my head every day but I place short term goals and benchmarks that will hopefully one day lead to my dreams.

    Erik Johnson
    2nd Hour

    1. I agree with your last few statements. Chasing the dream man, keep it up partner. Don't let someone tell you that you can't do something. Go get it.

  31. I was rather fond of the mac and cheese that I had for lunch today. Some of the best things in the world to me are my family and friends. Some other great things that make me happy to live in the world are my cats, the weekend, sports, funny jokes, not funny jokes, music, good people, and hot wings. No matter what's happening in the world, there are still things that can make me smile every day. If I look for it, I can find it. Good things cause people to do good things. Its like a disease. It will never end and that's just fine with me. Propaganda isn't going to ruin the world.

  32. The only hope I have in the world is freedom. Freedom gets me up in the morning. As long as people continue to be free our world will be alright. I enjoy the small things. There is great beauty in the smallest details of this world. For me, I love wool socks. My day is perfect when I get up and throw on a pair of wool socks. The way they warm my feet up fills me with joy. I also enjoy winter. Every season sucks for me besides winter. I can't wait for the delicate snowflakes to start falling down. New years is the best thing in the world.

    Erik Lukkari
    1st hour

    1. I agree with Erik that nothing beats winter. Also who doesn't like a good pair of wool socks to ski in? Wool socks are an ideal gifts. Warm feet are happy feet.

  33. When I weigh the good and bad aspects of life the good is always the heaviest. My list of things I hate is short and the list of the things I love is long. I find it hard to hate things because out of every bad thing that happens I still think you can find something good. An example is when you lose something or someone you love; I'm just thankful I got to experience that feeling and have it or them in my life.
    Sometimes it's hard getting yourself out of bed in the morning but if you do you get the chance to experience something new everyday. I laugh and smile everyday, that's enough for me to get out of bed.
    Then there's the small things I get to enjoy in life too that get me threw the day: friends, family, sports, art, music, and just being able to wake up everyday healthy. I don't wanna ever take for granted everyday I do wake up.

  34. There are always things in the world that seem to turn you down. But you always have to find a way not to let those things get to you. I always get up in the morning for my parents, friends, and family. I am always motivated to go to school( to make future) and have a wonderful time with my friends especially knowing that it is your senior year and that will be the last time with them. Stuff that make my day is having a good meal, hanging out with my cousins, people give you a warm smile, and especially hugs. Usually on the weekends things that motivate me to get out of bed is the smell of my moms cooking. That's usually why I can't sleep in since it smells so good especially indian food. Something we don't consider is, the weather, that motivates me to get up in the morning. If it is a bright sunny day, you just want to get up and go play. Other things that are good are pets, watching great movies, having good grades, shopping, dancing, music, art, and lot and lots of food. I guess nice people overall can make it a better place.

    1. I agree with what you said about senior year. It's your last year so you really want to make it all count for something, and have the most fun you can.

    2. I agree with Harshjot, family and friends are the things that help me get up in the morning. She is just so wise there is nothing she said that i dissagree with.

    3. Aw, Harshjot, I like that about your mom's cooking! I know how that is, cuz like whenever my dad makes brownies I can smell it, and if I'm in bed I get up and go get one.
      I totally agree about the sunshine thing! I feel so good on sunny days, but if it's rainy, I feel like I need to stay in and be cozy. Also, I think I take naps every time it snows.

  35. There are a lot of bad things, and sometimes I get very frustrated with them and it makes me want to go change them. But there are plenty of good things. I love nature, and the fact that we haven't totally destroyed it yet. That I can go outside and enjoy the rain and the smell of earthworms in the spring. I love having my family and my dogs, I love my friends I love having the freedom that I have to go spend time with my friends and the happiness of them that makes me smile every day. I love being able to learn and collect knowledge about where I live and how things work and to continue to grow and discover new things. Some days will get you down, but there's so much more than that pessimistic viewpoint.

    1. I agree with Liana and that there are lots of bad things, but there's also lots of good things. You just have to put the good in front of the bad. But she makes a very valid point when she says there's so much more than that pessimistic viewpoit.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. There are a few bad things in this world that sometimes capture too much of my attention, but there's just as many good things to balance that out. My family and friends mean so much to me. I have a small immediate family, and I love every chance that I get to spend time with them. They're the main people behind some of my best memories. My friends are always there as well whenever my family does get on my nerves every once in awhile. I also love performing and being in colorguard. It's my highlight point of fall every single year. Everything comes so easily to me in guard, and it's just something that I'm really good at. I also really like my job and the people I work with. They're kind of hilarious. I also personally think the world would be a terrible place without mint chocolate chip ice cream, but maybe that's just me. There's a lot of things in the world to be happy about, and I think it's a good thing to be reminded of that every once in awhile.

    Mary Jo Koster
    1st hour

    1. Family is the most important thing in someone's life. It should be everyone's #1 priority to spend as much time as you can with them; once they're gone you can't replace them.

  38. The things that make me happy are friends and sports. I like being able to look to the time during school and after school when I can hang out with my friends. When I am with friends, I do not worry about the other problems in my life and in the world. Sports are a good way to make my life a happy life. I have been playing sports my whole life and I could not imagine a day without the mention of sports or without a little participation in them. Looking forward to time spent doing these things make it easier to block out the bad things in the world.

    1. Friends and sports also make me happy Aus.

    2. Sports are something that anybody can do, although not necessarily competitively, for a lifetime. They're a lot more than just a silly game, and I hope I can keep playing sports my entire life.

    3. I agree with Carter's comment, and I also hope that I can continue to play.

  39. I get up in the morning because i have no reason not to. I find it is easier to enjoy life if you don't focus on the bad things. I live life for friends. I live life for a night with the guys. I live life for all that it has to offer. I just think that, even if things seem to be bad momentarily, there is so much good that can come later, as long as I am willing to be there for it. Hope and friendship are what I Live for.
    Caleb Blohm 1st hour

    1. I agree with you. Living life for friends and hope is about the best thing you can do. It sure beats 1984 and having to call your so called friends 'comrade' all the time.

  40. There are so many awesome things in the world, I for one find it difficult and rather anti-productive to just stress about the bad. I love so many little things; like when you're driving in your car and the absolute best song comes on the radio, and you're by yourself so you can just rock out and be totally ridiculous. I love watching old home videos, I could honestly do that all day if I had the time. I love the holidays, mostly because I love spending time with my wonderfully entertaining family. I love spending nights cuddling on my couch just chatting with friends. Those are the best things in life, and sure there's a lot of bad things going on in society today, but we really don't have it half bad. Plus, it's just way more fun to think about the good things:)

  41. There are alot of great things in the world worth waking up for. One of those things is golf. Golf is a great game that is taking me to college and something to keep me out of trouble and ill be able to do this my whole life. Another great thing are family and friends, just people to be there for and to have in life.

    1. Golf is good. I like golf. Your'e good at golf. I hope you have a good season and enjoy it. love you

  42. Life is good. In this world, of course there are bad things. You can choose to either focus on those things, or you can choose to help change them. This world has so many opportunities to live a happy life. If you just find the things that make you happy and do them often, while also doing your best to make other people happy, you have succeeded in making a difference. Life is completely worth it, and I feel so blessed to be on this earth. Things that make me happy in this world include my friends: I have the best friends ever, and when I am with them, I feel happy. Cuddling up with a cup of tea and a good book makes me happy; making food for people makes me happy; movies make me happy; listening to good music makes me happy; seasonal changes make me happy. I try to find things to be thankful for every day. When you think of the things with which you're blessed, there is no room to think of the negatives!

    1. Great attitude Hadlee! I think that we need to try and stay positive too. You have a very good view on the world.

  43. When I look around the world I see so much beauty. Although bees sting, without them we have no flowers.. No honey. Even though the government can tap into our phones and emails.. Think about all the terrorism this has stopped. And I sure don't seem to notice if and when the government is doing this. Despite all of the bad in the world, there is so much good. I can go on and on about the cheesy beauties of the world. But my happiness lies in the smile of one three year old girl. Taya is a girl that I have been taking care of off and on for about the past year. She is three but is cognitively like a nine month old. She has severe special needs and is also blind. This child has faced more hardship that most people face in their lives. But yet, she always has a smile on her face. When she starts to get fussy or down, all you have to do is sing to her. Her whole face lights right up! She can't talk, but she sure can sing! She can't walk and she doesn't have much functionality in her hands, but she sure can clap to a beat! She especially loves the jeopardy tune. This girl gives me a reason to smile. Because if she can smile every day, I sure can. Another reason I smile and see the world in a positive light is because I've seen worse. I've been through tons of trials and tribulations, but it made me the person I am. I can cry about how terrible abuse is, but I've lived through it. And I've become stronger. I can whine about my absent father, but at least I have one, right? Things aren't as bad as we choose to make them out to be, I guess

  44. Although I'm not a person with an overly rosy outlook on life, I find it easy to appreciate how good I have in small moments everyday. My mom and dad are the people that make me the happiest. Just knowing that I can always come home after a bad night to a warm home and talk it over with my parents makes everything okay. Taking walks also makes me happy. Whether it be on the bike path, the pier, or a trail(or long walks on the beach, haha), that's where the best thinking happens. Nature is pretty cool too. I like the feeling of being small, it makes my problems feel even smaller in the grand scheme of things. I also love cities and seeing people on the street. I like meeting new people, finding new music, sleeping in, good books, and inspiring (but not corny) movies, and food.

    Roxane 2nd

    1. This is so perfect. I am almost the same way. The little things really are the best.

  45. I try to enjoy most aspects of life. Even though it is easy to focus on the bad things that happen it's worth the effort to find the good in all things. I love the sports I'm in and tend to focus on them to keep my mind in a happy place. Friends are a good way to keep myself occupied with the good in life. I enjoy being able to look at the clock before school gets out and knowing that I have something to do afterwards. Staying busy is the easiest way to stay happy. Life is good. Enjoy it while you aren't dead.

  46. What gives me hope in this world of never-ending problems are the people that have stuck by me through everything and when I see people helping others out of the goodness of their hearts.There are the churchy people that go to soup kitchens and volunteer all the time and what not and that is really awesome but what I love to see is when someone looks out for someone even when they don't have to or even if it's for someone they don't know. So many people have screwed me over, but so many more, some barely aquaintances, have come to my rescue or given me support. The human nature to try to help one another and not leave a man behind is what gives me hope for the future. Aside from that, family, good movies, star gazing, sports, holidays, and experiencing new things make me very happy and I do not take the freedom and rights that I have to those things for granted, ever!

  47. Life iswhat you make it. Yeah you may have people in the world that hate you but there's also your best friends who would die for you. Your friends and family help make your life so special. Life brings new adventures everyday and what gets me up in the morning is the fact that something exciting is going to happen. Whether it's big of small. I love to play Volleyball and Soccer and playing those sports are a great way to make my life fun and exciting. Yeah I have my challenges but I get over them. I don't let them keep my down for very long. Life is such a gift and you have to make the best of it.

  48. I am very lucky to experience much of the good in the world because the reality is, most of the people in this world live in extreme poverty and situations where it it much more difficult to be optimistic. Knowing that there is future and great opportunities ahead for me motivates me to get out of bed. The holidays, puppies, spending time with my family and friends makes me happy. Everyone notices the negative things, but when you are more positive it makes life a bit easier.

  49. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this world. There’s starvation, wars, diseases, and Justin Bieber, but those are only population control… There is plenty wrong with this world and humanity. If you spend your life worrying about these things they will destroy you. The things that get me up in the morning are my family, friends, dog, Halo, football, and of course CREED. To be completely honest all I’d ever need is CREED. How can life not be good if you are listening to creed? They take me higher. All we ever hear about in this world is all the bad things. The kid got shot, drowned, and poison by his wife. Never do we hear the guy had the greatest day of his life just sitting with his son watching sports. There is so much good in this world then bad. It’s a shame we a country and species that thrives on tragedy. The world just needs to be taken higher.

  50. When I think about where my life is going it is hard to be depressed about it. Like most seniors, I am preparing to head off to college next fall. Really, our lives are just getting going, and there is nothing but possibility and opportunity ahead of us. If you stay strong and push through the tough times--because everybody's bound to have some--then you'll be just fine.

    1. I couldn't agree anymore I also believe that life is just getting started. I also am going to be heading of to college next fall.

  51. Well, I like sunshine. So if I wake up at 8:30 in the AM and there’s sunshine all over, I am pleased as pie, and that is quite nice. Sometimes when I’m sad, it’s just because I’m tired or cold, so I take a nap or wear a sweater, sometimes both, no big deal, and that makes me feel better again.
    I like art; it makes me feel really good about the world in general, and I like it when people are nice to each other. I mean, I know we can’t all be nice all the time, but it’s the thought that counts. What else do I like... Okay, I know there’s a lot. I like the beach in the summer (when it’s SO hot, and everything is gross and sweaty until you get to the beach and then it’s windy and perfect) and I like doing art and I like my bicycle. It’s blue, so that’s pretty sweet.
    Okay, there’s a lot more, but I can’t think of all of it right now.
    Sorry, everyone else got really deep with this and then here I am talking about bicycles.

    1. Shannon I like how yours was all not deep and about bicycles, because mine is also not deep and involves ice cream.

  52. A lot more things in this world make me happy than they do make me unhappy. There are a lot of bad people in this world, but overall there are more good hearted people who trump over them. I love being active and getting outside and doing things. My favorite thing to do is try new things. I love adventures and without them this world would be a very dull place. I love soccer, my family, my best friend and sister, helping people, Reese’s. I could make an endless list of things that I love in this world. What gives me hope is all of the volunteer organizations there are in this world. This really means that people want to help and people do genuinely care for other people. I know that overall this world is a loving one with some badness thrown in there. I guess life really is what you want it to be. I`m just that glass half full kind of person.

    1. It's great to stay positive. Look at the bright side. You seem to do a very good job of that.

  53. The first thought that comes to me that there is hope in our world is having the freedom of music. We are able to listen to what we want to which is definitely something that wouldn't exist in a dystopian society. Music is a major way of speaking your mind about things like love, hate, fighting "the man", and many more topics that would be exiled in a controlled society. I am happy that we can listen to the music that we want to listen to.
    Jonah Yoshonis
    2nd hour

    1. I agree that music is a major way of speaking your mind. It can change the world... Keep up the good work you Native Foreigner!!!

    2. I totally agree with you that music is a big way of speaking your mind and is very important for some people.

  54. My world is generally a happy place. Between my friends and family i pretty much love life. I'm one of those people that really enjoys the little things in life. My happiness comes from ice cream and watching Pretty Little Liars every Tuesday night. Also my friends and my cross country team. They probably make me the happiest. When other people are happy I'm happy. If there's one thing I can;t stand it's grumpy people. That's why all my friends are all happy go lucky kind of people.

  55. There is endless about of thing in the world that made me happy but on the flip side there are alot of things on this earth that made me unhappy. I enjoy skiing and happy people. One of my favorite things to do is to try new thing that i have never done before. Doing something new is always adventuresome and exciting. What gives me hope is all the opportunities that are facing me in my future.

    Cole Conway
    2nd hour

    1. I agree there are so many oppurtunites, and we should try all possible things. Because- who knows what we like until we actually try it.

  56. I love life. There are relatively good and relatively bad things per-say but I feel you have no choice but to love it wherever you may be on this roller coaster of life. I can even say that I love the bad things to an extent, because those are what make you appreciate how amazing the good things are. A perfect world without bad things would be a dystopia in itself. How remarkable would a cure be without a disease? How could a win be so exciting if there are no losses? A quote from the classic movie The Incredibles -"When everyone's super, muhaha, no one will be" (Syndrome) Exemplifies my point. What I'm getting at is we should appreciate everything. More specifically however, I have to agree with a lot of the guys above me and say that sports is one of those great things in life. They provide a sort of escape or therapy that resembles life itself with ups and downs, heartbreaking losses, and joyous victories. There's an ecstasy of the competitive nature of sports that gives you, for even a brief moment, a target, a purpose to fulfill. I think that's one of the reasons why sports are an overwhelming response to this blog "Utopia" question.

    1. I agree that a perfect world without bad things would be a dystopia in itself. Getting through the bad in life makes living through the good even better. The bad things in life are what make us appreciate how extraordinary the good things are.

  57. I find that life is as good as you make it. You have to always try and focus on the good aspects of life other than dwelling on the negatives. We are so blessed to be put into a country that we are given simple feedoms that are sometimes taken for granted. If I didn't have organized athletics, I think I would go crazy. There are different things for everyone that makes this life so great. I feel that sometimes we get away from always having freedom, when the government trys to get involved too much. However, when you look at the rest of the world, I really can't complain. Life is as great as you can make it. Having great friends, and a great family also are huge in having a good life.

  58. There are a ton of great things about the world today. We have people living longer then they ever have. There is more advanced technology then ever before and it makes everyday life so much easier. We can communicate quicker andwe can see someone half way around the world on a computer. We have new stuff like iphones, skype, and facebook. People are living longer today than ever before and we had the first black president of the United States. The world today is progressing greatly in my eyes and I would not want it any other way. Even though the economy is doing terrible right now everyone in America has been working their butts off. With all the stiff that is happening today I feel like we have the hardest working group of Americans sense 1776. I believe one hundred percent that there is more good in the world today than there is badness in the world.

    Shane Skorupski
    2nd hour

  59. I think the reason I am able to get out of bed in the morning is for my family and friends. I am so grateful for them, and couldn't have asked for a better support system. They give me motivation to do well and strive to be my best. There is hope for our country. People are very educated and concerned with where our world is turning. Looking at history we can see what works and what doesn't, which is a key part to the success of a nation. There are good leaders in this world that want it to strive. I am grateful to live in the United States where we have a lot of freedom, compared to other countries. Some people may ask for more freedom, but we should not take for granted the freedom we are given here.

    Molly Miedema
    1st hour

  60. There are so many amazing things in this world. Yes, this world of ours is full of terrors and terrible things, but that is what makes the good things worth fighting for. I agree with Adam that without the bad, we are unable to appreciate the good in our lives. Simple things like a smile or a hug can make my day. I love laughing. I love my family and my friends. I love that I live in America, where I am free to speak my mind, and write what I want.

    1. I totally agree with Libby and that it is the simple things in life that are worth fighting for! You never realize how much laughing and hugging means to you, after you can't do it anymore.

  61. I try to wake up each morning thankful that I'm alive and breathing. There are so many awesome things in this world to be thankful for. Although today's society is a little more edgier and scarier than it used to be, you have to focus on the positives. I love being with my friends and family and doing what ever we want because we have freedom to do what we want and speak our mind. I am especially grateful for my amazing family, immediate and extended! I don't know what I would do without them.

    Emily Blahnik
    5th Hour

  62. The best thing about todays society that was different from Owells book was family. I love my family and i know that they love me back. In the book they just had kids so that they could reproduce they were not really aloud to love eachother in a way that we do in the real world. Also we still have some freedom we are not under complete contol of the government we still are able to think and say what we want to. Also we have the chance to go hang out with friends and have fun we get to have lives not live like3 robots like in Orwells book. Those are some good things about the real world society today.

  63. Sports family education and friends make life worth living. I don't know where i would be without tennis. I am in absolute love with the sport and no one could every separate us. My family is also crazy important to me. They make me see the bright side and give me a sense of hope in continuing my passions. They see every aspect of good in me and they also bring them out. Without education I would have no purpose. I love learning and taking notes and taking tests.. . it's weird but true. School is my life and I love it. Friends make me want to keep going. They make me laugh and have fun when I need it and ecourage me when I am down.
    Madison Khem
    4th hour
