
Sunday, September 2, 2012


What are your post-secondary plans?  College? Work? Military?  What do you hope to gain by taking AP English?  What are your strengths and weaknesses relative to English?  What specific goals/expectations do you have for your senior (or junior) year of high school?  Consider academic as well as personal goals.


  1. I hope to go onto college and study journalism or something like that. I also feel that English classes are my strong suit and I really want to get my grades up from last year.

    Rose Rea
    2nd Hour

    1. In addition to my post, I plan on attending Muskegon Community College for my basic courses, and then either Northern Michigan or Ferris State for my specialty courses. I want to expand my knowledge of literature and the structure of the English language this year, and I'm sure that it will help in my future educations. With the wide range of the novels and books we will be reading I'm sure we will see the whole spectrum of writing styles, which I wish to study and improve my own. Plus, we could all use help with improving our creativity in our writing.

    2. Thanks, Rose. I'm looking forward to working with you this year! The MCC route has become fairly popular among SL kids since it's so close. Nice plan!

  2. I plan to attend Michigan State when I graduate. I want to major in psychology and minor in journalism. I really enjoy writing as it is, and I'm hoping that this class will help expand my vocabulary and my knowledge of literature.

    Taylor Glomb
    2nd Hr

    1. We kind of have the same ideas on where we'll be going to college and what we want to go into! What specific field of psychology do you want to pursue? Abnormal and clinical psychology seem to be the most interesting to me.

    2. Sounds like you have a pretty clear idea of where you're headed, Taylor! I hope AP English will help you get some credit toward your degree. Looking forward to working with you this year!

    3. I think you are a great writer and I think you will do very well with your minor in journalism. And, I might want to go to MSU as well. I also think that psychology would be an awesome major!

  3. I too plan to attend college after high school. As to which one I have no clue. I think that Ap English is a class that could help you no matter what you are planning on going into. I hope this class pushes me just a little bit in order to get ready for college. Also some college credits would be nice!

    Sam Dykstra
    2nd hour

    1. I agree with sam on this one. I think that a knowledge in language/literature can be very useful no matter which field of study you plan on going into.

      Ben Keller
      2nd Hour

    2. I agree with Ben's comment. Knowledge of language and literature is extremly useful.

      Torden Peek-Jensen

    3. You're not alone, Sam, in not knowing for sure where you want to go to college. Better start narrowing it down a little though:) I'm looking forward to working with you in class this year and helping you reach your goals.

  4. I plan on going ot college to become a veterinarian. By taking AP ENglish, I hope to become better as a writer. I am good at writing papers, but it is hard for me to write papers without them sounding boring. My goals are to get at least a B in trig and write papers in a way that appeals to readers.

    Caleb Stalsonburg
    1st hour

    1. I'm looking forward to working with you, Caleb, to help your reach your goal of becoming a veterinarian. Do you think you will go to MSU or somewhere else? Hopefully we can get you writing solid essays to get some college credit from the AP test.

  5. After graduation I hope to attend CMU for atleast two years then hopefully get into Dental School at U of M. From taking AP English i hope to obtain more knowledge in writing as that is not one of my strong suits.

    Lizzie Goll
    2nd Hr.

    1. Sounds like you have a pretty specific plan, Lizzie, of beginning at CMU and then transferring to UM. I'm looking forward to working with you on your writing to help you reach your goal of becoming a dentist:)

    2. I agree. That sounds like a good plan too. Dentistry is a good career to go in to. Those are both good schools to go to. Hope you have fun.

  6. I plan on attending college as many kids that go to Spring Lake end up doing. As to where I have a few in mind but with time to decide dwindling, I find myself attempting to avoid procrastination and get those early apps in ASAP. I want to go into Business/Administration. I love english and literature and hope that this class feed that.

    -Ben Keller

    1. Time is indeed dwindling to make a college choice, Ben, or at least to narrow it down. There are a lot of good business schools out there. I'm looking forward to having you in class this year and helping you reach your goal of earning some college credit!

    2. I'm feeling the exact same way. I have an idea where I want to go, but I wont be positive until I visit a few more times. Those apps are kicking my butt and procrastination is my middle name. I need to pick up the pace as far as turning them in soon.

      Maddy Leech
      5th Hour

    3. I would have to agree with you, Ben, that the time seems to be dwindling very fast. I'm finding it hard to buckle down and get them done. That November deadline will be here in two shakes of a lamb's tail.

    4. I'm not quite sure what two shakes of lamb's tail means.... but I too see time dwindling. Applications are not fun and I find it very hard to get myself to even start one. I do have a few colleges in mind though so hopefully I can get my applications in soon!

  7. Post high school, I plan to attend college and play college soccer. I have hopes that this AP class not only prepares me for the rigor of college classes, but broadens my vocabulary and betters my ability to write a research paper (my weakness and foe). I expect myself to maintain a hard work ethic throughout my final year of high school.

    Leeann Latsch
    2nd Hr.

    P.S. I'm not sure any of us were aware you have spent 25 years in "pubic" education. Spell check on your welcome page, Mr. Sinn!

    1. Whew! Thanks for the catch on my unfortunate typo, LL! At first I was really embarrassed but then I kind of embraced it. I actually put it on Facebook and it got over 190 "Likes." I'm looking forward to having you in class this year. Together we can take on that nemesis of the research paper and get you ready for college:)

    2. Agreed, the research paper is the hardest one for me as well. I hope to get better at it in this class.

  8. I plan on going to college to hopefully pursue something in the medical field. I'm taking AP English because I love reading and writing. I sometimes think I'm better in ink than I am in words, so English classes have always been important to me. My weaknesses in English is definitely being able to talk as strongly as I may write. My goal for this year is to stay happy and enjoy every moment of this last year regardless of how eager I am to leave for college.

    Madeline Leech
    5th hour

    1. I think you would do great in the medical field. What college do you want to go to? you're such a great photographer, are you going to do that one the side at all?

    2. I think you would be great in the medical field! but I agree with Mikaela you are a great photographer! and I know you love photography, as do I so are you thinking of still being a photographer in your spare time?

    3. I'm looking forward to having you in class this year, Maddy, and to helping you reach your goal of working in the medical field. So many opportunities there! I like your comment about being better in ink than in words. Writing can be a powerful form of expression, but, for the record, I think your spoken words are pretty good, too.

    4. Since I had you in Advandced Comp last year, I know that you're an amazing writer! But I agree with all the previous posts, I think you're a good speaker too. Either way, you'll do well in AP English, and I hope to have it the same hour as you one of these trimesters.

    5. Maddy I think you would be a great doctor or even a great teacher because you are so good with mrs bakers kids. What college would u like to go to?

      Danni DiTrapani

  9. I plan to attend college, though i am not entirely sure what what I want to major in, nor do i know what i want to do. i took AP English because senior English sounded too easy and rather boring. My main weakness in English is finding a topic to write about, or sometimes spelling. I want this year to be fun, but also want to keep up my grades up.

    1. There's still time, Caleb, to decide on a school, and you don't really have to decide on a major right away at all. I'm looking forward to working with you to help you reach your goals. Hopefully English won't be too boring for you.

  10. I plan on attending college after high school, but as of where I'm not sure yet. I've visited a couple but still haven't decided or figured out a major. I hope this class will prepare me for college and help with essay writing. I'm a big reader, but my weakness would be similar to Maddy's in trying to make my writing into words. For my senior year, I mainly want to enjoy myself while keeping my grades up. :)

    Rachel Briegel
    1st hour

    1. I'm looking forward to helping you reach your goals in writing Rachel, and I hope you like the literature I've selected for this class. There's still time to decide on a school and a major, but you need to start narrowing down your choices:)

    2. To add a little on to this just in case, my two top colleges are Hope and Valparaiso in Indiana. I've looked at a few close to home private schools but I'd like to get a little farther away. The last couple years I thought I'd do something with the sciences but the more I think about it the more unsure I am. Maybe psychology, or even English since it's been my favorite subject.

  11. I too plan on attending college. Preferably an art school to study interior design. English has always been my favorite subject, and in this class I look forward to widening my knowledge on the subject, while maintaing a good grade.

    1. I'm looking forward to working with you this year, Maddie, to reach your goal of getting into an art school. Are you thinking Kendall or some other school? I'm glad you like English and I hope this class proves engaging and helpful.

  12. After high school I plan on attending a university and medical school. I hope to study on the east coast, either Boston, Rhode Island, or New Hampshire. I hope to gain advanced communication skills because I think they are very important to have. I am a good writer but have a hard time getting started occasionally. I also hope to maintain a high grade throughout the year.

    Kathrine Marous
    2nd hour

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I really hope to hear on where you ultimately decide to go to school! For me, the east coast is the epitome of academia, and an all-around great place to live. Hearing about how you make your final decision in April (or sooner) would be really interesting to me.

      Roxane (2nd)

    3. I think that you'll make a great doctor or whatever medicine you plan on studying!! Anyone can tell your passionate about science. You'll do great at whatever college you end up attending!

    4. I LOVE New England, Kathrine! I'm so jealous that you might go out there to study. We have vacationed in Gloucester, Mass. a couple of times. Tons of great schools which can lead to med school. I'm looking forward to helping you reach your goals and possibly earn some college credit.

  13. I plan on attending an university after high school just like everyone else. Where to go and what I plan to major in are still undecided. I have some ideas, but nothing is set in stone. As far as AP English goes, I took this class because I love to write. I hope that this class will be a challenge for me, and help me to better portray my writing in a clear and concise way instead of rambling on and on. I also think this class will help me to prepare for college classes and the work load that comes along with them. As far as senior year goes, I plan to enjoy the time I have left with the people in my class, really try to avoid senioritis, and keep my grades and GPA up high.

    Mary Jo Koster
    1st hour

    1. I hope all your ideas for your future and college go well. I think you'll do great in whatever you choose! You're a very talented person.

    2. I'm looking forward to working with you, Mary Jo, to help you reach your goals of improving your writing and getting some college credit. Good luck with the whole senioritis thing. The longer you can put it off the better:)

    3. I completely agree with Liana, and I know you have a bright future ahead of you. You are very smart and talented. I totally can relate to the "avoiding senioritis" goal!

  14. In two years time, I see myself at some sort of 4-year college. What college that may be or what I will study there is still up in the air. Not knowing what I would like to pursue a degree in, I think it's valuable to take a variety of classes in high school (like English Language) that could create some wiggle room in my college schedule, then allowing me to focus on classes of potential interest rather than the basics, or prerequisites. That being said, I'm really looking forward to the discussion portion of English this year. Discussion has always been my favorite part of any class, and reading "The Classics" certainly lends itself to it. Seeing new perspectives on things can really break up the monotony of just internalizing facts that you read on a page. My weakness in this class will definitely be getting started on essays. I have trouble getting past the mental hurdle that it doesn't have to be "right" the first time around, just written. This year I hope to have new experiences and challenge myself academically.

    Roxane (2nd)

    1. I know you'll succeed in whatever you choose to do. You're a remarkable worker and person. I hope you go to Harvard actually. You'd do well there.

      Faith Lee 5th hour

    2. You definitely have time, Roxane, to make your decision. I know your brother wrestled with his decision to stay in Michigan or go out of state. I wonder if his experience will have an impact on you. I'm looking forward to having you in class and to hearing your ideas during our discussions.

  15. I plan on going to college to study something in the sciences. By taking AP English, I hope to improve my writing skills and better prepare myself for English classes in college. Trying to make my writing long enough would probably be my weak point in English class, and reading would probably be my strength. During my senior year I hope to get pretty good grades and push myself as much as I can.

    1. I'm looking forward to working with you to reach your goals of improving your writing and getting into a college with a strong science program, Brandon. Hopefully you can earn some college credit and avoid a prerequisite class at university.

  16. After Highschool I'm attending art college and majoring in art and minoring in business (in hope to get a job in graffic design/advertising for a large company). I hope to become a more well-rounded student in literature by taking this class. English is a strong point of mine but there is always room for improvement. This year I hope to keep my solid grades and get all my pre college work done (art portfolios and essays) (also trying for a great swim season this year) That's about it....Go Lakers

    1. That's awesome Jaylen! You are an amazing artist, and a great swimmer. Good for you.

    2. I'm looking forward to working with you to reach your goal of getting into a good art school, Jaylen. Are you thinking of going to Kendall in GR or somewhere else? Either way, hopefully this class will help you earn some college credit and waive a prerequisite class.

  17. I plan to attend Muskegon Community College for one or two years after high school, and then transferring over to either Grand Valley or Michigan State University. I hope to strengthen both my reading and writing skills by taking AP English. Some academic goals I have for myself are to bring up my GPA, and increase my work ethic as well.

    Laurie English
    1st hour

    1. It's a pretty common plan, Laurie, to go to MCC for a year before transferring to a university. It's close and less expensive. I'm looking forward to working with you this year to help you reach your goals.

  18. After high school i plan on attending MSU. My strengths are writing and my weakness is understanding harder pieces. My goals for senior year are to study more and get better grades.
    Stephanie Sabo
    2nd hour

    1. I'm looking forward to having you in class this year, Stephanie. Hopefully this class will help you reach your goal of getting into MSU and earning some college credit in the process. Good luck!

    2. Miss Stephanie, I think it's pretty cool that you want to go to MSU. I'm looking into going there too, possibly. As far as getting better grades goes, I'm always here if you need a study buddy! [:

  19. Iv been accepted into the University of Detroit Mercy. I plan on attending their nursing program at Aquinas college. By taking AP i hope to understand hard literature better and get into the real meaning of the books. My strengths are being able to read pretty fast and comprehending it at the same time. My weakness is definitely writing, i don't like to write in general so i choose not to do my best. Some goals for this year are just to do well in my classes and have fun at the same time.
    Amanda Schneider
    2nd Hour

    1. Since we have to do 150 words, i'll just add on to my posting Most the time I do enjoy my English classes, but when the teacher decides to do random activities that don't relate or have any purpose, that's when I start to zone out. So I hope that this year will be a fun class to be in and I am prepared enough for the Ap test in the spring!

    2. My sister Ashleigh is curently attending Aquinas for nursing and she really enjoys it. I think you will excel in that program. You have such a sweet and caring personality and I can defiently see you being a nurse. Good luck on your plans after high school!

    3. Congratulations, Amanda, on being accepted into UDM. Being able to take their program through Aquinas will be nice, huh? Staying closer to home and all. I'm looking forward to helping you reach your goals of improving your writing and scoring well on the AP test.

    4. I think it's so great that you already know exactly what you want to do after high school. I'm sure you'll be a great nurse- you're so sweet and compassionate. Best of luck to you!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. After high school, I plan on attending Northern Michigan University, to whom I have just sent my application and await their reply in the next few weeks. I plan on majoring in English Writing and minoring in Music, so this class is a very important first step towards where I want to go. I want to be an editor, and I want to do that because I enjoy reading other people's work and making sure that other people can enjoy and understand their work too. My strengths in English are reading and writing. I do have trouble writing factual, research type papers, though that might just be writer's block not wanting to do them. Also, although I can write in proper English, that doesn't necessarily mean I can speak proper English. Some goals I have for myself my senior year is to get good grades and manage my time efficiently.

    1. I have the same problems, maybe the creative writers inside are protesting those silly research papers...I think you will make a great writer, since you have always been one...

    2. Sounds like you have a pretty specific plan, Liana, about where you want to study and what you want to major in. I'm looking forward to helping you reach your goal of getting some college credit at NMU and becoming a writing major.

  22. My goals for this year include learning to balance my time between school, work, and everything else. I want to get good grades, and finally break my procrastination habit...wish me luck...After graduation, I plan on attending college, majoring in biology, and then moving on to medical school. I've always loved reading; one of my English class strengths is being able to read at a very quick pace.I'm looking forward to improving my writing skills in this class, hopefully in time to submit college applications.

    1. Libbyyyy, I'm kind of surprised you're going into the medical field! I thought for sure you were going to be doing something more language arts related [because you like to read so much, ya know] but I think it's super rad that you're going medical. You're gonna be a super fierce doctor.

    2. When you find the cure for procrastination, Libby, bottle it and sell it. I'll gladly be your first customer. I'm looking forward to working with you this year to help you reach your goal of getting to med school. Your affinity for reading will help a lot:)

  23. I plan on going to GVSU next fall. I don't know what I want to study, but I still have a full year to figure that out. I am a decent reader and writer, I am not really exceptional at either, but I am proficient. I really have no expectations as far as school goes, but I do have a few goals regarding cross country, as well as getting a job.
    Connor Galligan

    1. I'm looking forward to working with you, Connor, toward your goal of getting into GV and maybe getting some college credit. Good luck with XC this year. As for getting a job, don't be in too big of a rush. You've got a lot on your plate right now.

  24. After high school my plan is to attend Ferris and study dentistry. I may change my mind on a career path, but most people do. In this class I hope to gain new vocabulary and learn how to become a better writer over all. I'm not the type of person to just pick up a book and start reading it in my free time. I would like to become more interested in reading throughout this year. My goals this year are to have fun and do well in all my classes.

    Mikaela Ederer
    2nd Hour

    1. Ferris is a great school, Mikaela, for the technical programs like dentistry. My wife graduated 3rd in her pharmacy class in 1992, and a good friend of mine went there for optometry. I'm looking forward to helping you reach your goals in reading/writing this year:)

  25. I plan to attend Grand Valley next fall. I am undecided on my major. My strengths are my creativity and my strong opinions. My weaknesses are my desire to read and my narrow mindedness in my views. My goals are to maintain my GPA and to run well in cross-country.
    Ryan Galligan

    1. So the Galligan twins are headed for GV! My wife and I went there, Ryan, and my son is currently a sophomore there. It's a great school, even if you're undecided on a major right now. I'm looking forward to helping you reach your goals and to pique your interest in reading a bit:)

    2. Ryan I like how you put your strong opinions as one of your strengths because that is so true you are very opinionated.

  26. I plan on going to college after high school. I'm not sure where yet, but there's a possibility that I'll stay in Michigan. I want to get my bachelor's degree in pre-med, so I can continue on to get my M.D. and my Ph.D. for medical research. By taking AP English, I hope to improve my analyzing skill in reading, because even though I love reading and read quickly, that's the area that I tend to struggle in on standardized tests. I'm a strong writer and I concentrate on detail when I'm writing, reading, or doing just about anything else. I think it's valuable to take classes in high school that can count towards college credits, so I can concentrate on classes that will allow me to learn more about my major, rather than completing required prerequisite classes. My goals for junior year are to maintain my GPA while still participating in sports and music and art, and to enjoy my classes and everything else I do. I hope to pass level 9 at my piano testing, and I want to add 2 1/2 more inches to my high jump personal best to beat the school record.

    Grace Peterson
    2nd hour

    1. I think it is great that you want to pursue in getting your M.D and Ph.D. As college comes nearer I have been debating on getting my M.D or Ph.D. Seeing that you want to attain both has given me a new perspective. It is a lot of schooling but it will be worth it and I am sure you will do great!

      Kathrine Marous
      2nd hour

    2. As a junior, Grace, you have plenty of time to pick a good school. Of course, your undergraduate school may just be a stepping stone to bigger and better things as you pursue a career as a doctor. I'm looking forward to having you in class this year and to helping you reach your goals of getting some college credit under your belt:)

  27. I hope to attend MSU next fall and I am not yet sure what I will end up pursuing, so far I am thinking industrial psychology. By taking AP English I hope to gain experience, guidance, and familiarity with writing essays so that I avoid struggling in college and applying for colleges. My strength is writing and my weakness is story comprehension. Goals for my senior year include finishing swim season with best times and achieving and maintaining a beautiful GPA.

    Taylor Williamson
    1st hour

    1. An interesting choice of major, Taylor, of industrial psych. MSU is a great school for psychology. I'm looking forward to working with you this year to help you reach your goals of improving your reading and getting you ready for the rigors of college.

  28. I too plan on attending college after high school, however, I'm not yet sure where I will go. I've been looking at a few places here in Michigan. I plan on going into Pre Med and hopefully becoming a physical therapist. My senior year I hope to keep getting good grades, and yet to have fun. From AP English I hope to improve my skills at essay writing and also to broaden my vocabulary.

    -Molly Miedema
    1st hour

    1. It's always hard, Molly, to balance work and play during senior year, without senioritis rearing its ugly head. I'm looking forward to helping you reach your goal of becoming a physical therapist by getting into a good school and getting some college credit.

    2. Same here Molly, I'm not quite sure where I want to go either! Hopefully decision making gets easier for both of us!

  29. I plan to attend Muskegon Community College for one or two years after high school, and then transferring over to either Grand Valley or Michigan State University. I would like to study psychology, however I have not chosen a specific career within such a broad field yet. I am personally leaning more towards a therapist, or social worker, which both differ by a lot. I am currently dual enrolled through MCC taking Applied Psychology, and I enjoy it very much. I hope to strengthen both my reading and writing skills by taking AP English. This is my first AP class I have ever taken during high school, so I am hoping to do well and prepare myself for college by taking this class. Some academic goals I have for myself are to bring up my GPA average from my junior year, and to increase my work ethic/study habits as well.

    Laurie English
    1st hour

    1. I might take a college class at MCC this summer, but I'm not 100% sure yet. Applied Psychology sounds pretty interesting. What's that about? Either way, I wish you the best of luck in achieving your goals during and after high school!

      Mary Jo Koster
      1st hour

    2. I think it's a solid plan, Laurie, to go to MCC and then transfer. I know MCCs programs/classes generally transfer well to in-state universities like GV or MSU. I'm looking forward to working with you to help you achieve your goals of helping others.

    3. That's super cool you're taking a psychology class at MCC right now. You should tell me how that's going at lunch sometime maybe! Best of luck with whatever you decide to do!

    4. That sounds pretty cool. My soon to be sister in law is going into psychology. From what she said if you want to become a therapist, like she will be, you either need a Phd in psychology or a master's in mental health and social work. I don't know if you know that already but just some advice. Good Luck!

  30. I plan on going to college after high school. I'm not sure as to where that will be but I'm sure that I want to attend somewhere smaller. I don't think I would like a big university as much as a liberal arts school. I would like to know that I can be able to approach my professors if I need to on a regular basis. By taking AP English I hope to gain experience and become more confident with essay writing. For my junior year, I hope to maintain good grades and learn as much as I can. I also I want to be more organized with my classes.

    Faith Lee
    5th Hour

    1. There's a lot to be said, Faith, for going to a smaller college. Of course, as a junior, you still have plenty of time to decide. I'm looking forward to having you in class and helping you reach your goal of getting some college credit for the future:)

  31. My plans after High school are to attend a college. Where I will spend ungodly amounts of money so that I can make money later on in life. I'm still considering what I want to do in college but I am pretty sure that I want to go to University of Utah. Ap english will help me understand what a college level class is like and will prepare me for real life. I am good at writing, memorization and reading, but if I don't like the piece I tend to not pay attention to what I am reading. My goals are to do well in school and kill it in soccer.

    Torden Peek-Jensen

    1. One of life's great ironies, huh Torden, that we have to spend money to make money? Good luck in soccer this year. Sounds like you're off to a good start. I'm looking forward to working with you toward your goal of getting into Utah:)

    2. Torden I would first like to say that University of Utah is a great college. I had a chance to visit the college with my brother Sean. On the other had you make a really valid statement, that we have to spend money to make money.

  32. My Post-secondary plans are pretty normal, I plan on going to college however I have not decided on where I want to go yet. I have a few colleges in mind though. I would really love to stay in Michigan but that's very unlikely. By taking AP English I hope to strengthen my English and writing skills by the end of the course. I would also like to be prepared for what college courses are like too because this is my first AP class. I have a weakness of writing poetry, however I think of my self to be very good at other types of writing. I really want to do the best I can this year since its my final year I want to make it count and take away as much as I can from all of my classes, and I would like to keep my GPA up as high as it can be.

    Tristan Urry
    1st Hour

    1. Sounds like you've begun to narrow down your college choices, Tristan. You still have some time. I'm looking forward to having you in class this year and helping you reach your goals of earning some college credit. No worries about the poetry; we don't write much poetry in AP Lang.

  33. After high shcool I plan on attending college but I have not decided which one. I have a few colleges in mind thought. However, I have decided that I would like to study social work to become a child welfare/ case worker. By taking Ap english I hope to broaden my vocabualry and imporve my writing skills. I also think it will help prepare me for some college courses. My goals this year are to keep my GPA up, stay on top of my grades, and mostly just enjoy my last year of high school.

    Megan VanDeWeg
    5th hour

    1. I think that's awesome that you want to go into child welfare/ case worker! Do you like kids? I wanted to go into pediatric therapy with younger children if sports medicine didn't work out. You're an amazing writer already, so I think it's amazing that you want to improve your skills!

    2. An admirable career choice, Megan, to become a child welfare/case worker. I can see after just one week of class that you have the patience and gentle spirit that it will take. I'm looking forward to having you in class this year and helping you reach your goals of getting some college credit.

  34. I would love to attend college after high school. I am thinking about Cornerstone University in Grand Rapids, but I'm not totally sure yet. I would love to get into sports medicine/athletic training as my major. While taking AP English I hope to increase my vocabulary and get a step ahead for college. This year I want to keep my grades up and maintain a good GPA. This is my last year of high school and I want to enjoy it! :)

    Emily Blahnik
    5th Hour

    1. I'm assuming, Emily, that you are currently one of our SL athletic trainers since that is an area you're interested in. I think anything in the medical field holds great promise. I'm looking forward to working with you to help you achieve your goals and get ready for college:)

  35. One of my main goals seems to be a typical response: Go to college. But what about after that? It's something I've pondered for most of my high school career. I've thought of teaching, counseling, engineering, but so far nothing has seemed to click. Right now I'm leaning toward being some type of financial adviser, but who knows what I'll decide a week from now.
    I love everything about English, aside from the ridiculous grammar rules and exceptions. I more so love being able to express myself and tell a story. Get someone to hear what I have to say. I love reading as well. Especially when it takes you back in time and you get to experience a whole different world through someone else's eyes.
    I've always been a fairy strong English student, but those comma splices always get the best of just about everyone.
    As far as expectations for this year goes, I find it best to not have any. Nothing ever goes quite as expected. However, I do plan on trying to make the most out of this year. It's my senior year and I would love to just reach out and make some new friends and really enjoy this time with people I care about. It's tough doing that, however, when you're in a school full of people who are strangers to you. My mind is open, though, and we'll just have to see what this year brings for me.

    Shayna Haynes
    2nd hour.

  36. The nice thing about college, Shayna, is that you don't have to select a major right away. I can tell already that you write well and that you enjoy English. I'm looking forward to having you in class this year and helping you reach your goals.

  37. I am hoping to attend either Michigan State University or Central Michigan University after I graduate from high school. There I hope to major in business or accounting. I feel like some English strengths of mine are that I am a quick reader and good at understanding what I read. I also can write well and have a strong vocabulary of words that I like to use. My weaknesses though are that I hate reading and struggle to actually do the reading. Also I normally like to wait until last minute to get anything done. AP English I am hoping will help me enjoy reading a little more and allow me to gain a better knowledge of the English language. My goals for senior year are to gain some college credits for college academically. As far as sports go I hope to qualify for state in both cross country and track. Hopefully senior year is successful and I can achieve the goals I have set for myself.

    Tom Kordupel
    1st Hour

    1. I love the goals Tom, especially track. Good luck to you sir!

    2. I'm looking forward to working with you this year, Tom, to achieve your goals of getting some college credit to take with you to college. There are some really good business schools out there, including GV, but MSU and Central are both excellent choices. Good luck.

    3. Stay strong running in cross country and track. Maybe when you beat everyone else, you'll have more time to read the books! Have a good year and I hope you achieve your goals.

  38. I have no idea where I plan on attending college or what I would major in. I should probably figure that out. The main reason I took AP English was so I could potentially earn college credits from the AP test. Im not really a big fan of English because of the writing, but I enjoy reading a lot. My main goals for senior year are to graduate and maintain my grade point, which would be good with the AP classes Im taking this year.

    Jake Chittenden
    1st Hour

    1. There's still a little time, Jake, to figure out the college plan, but the time is right. Of course, you can always wait to declare a major until 2nd year. I'm looking forward to having you in class this year.

  39. After high school, I hope to attend Duke University in North Carolina. I'm not totally sure what I want to study there, but at the moment, I am thinking of majoring in Biology. However, English and Literature have always interested me as well, so maybe I will study those. I am hoping that AP English will help me to make up my mind about what I want to study in college. I have always loved to read, and always been good at it, and I feel as though that is my biggest strength in English. My biggest weakness is definitely essay writing; hopefully I will get over that between taking this class and writing billions of essays for college applications!My biggest goal for the year is getting into a good college-preferably Duke. But I also want to have a fun senior year!

    Jennie DeBlanc
    2nd Hour

    1. An impressive goal, Jennie, of getting into Duke. It's one of the finest universities in the country, as I'm sure you're aware. In my opinion, you can't go wrong with either biology or English, although I am a little biased. Looking forward to working with you this year.

    2. Jennie you can get into any college you would like to! And I see you as doing something in biology or in the medical field. You seem like you would be interested in something along the lines of that.

      Danni Ditrapani

  40. After high school, I hope to attend Grand Rapids Community College. The reason why I want to go there is because I am still not sure what I want to do when I get out of high school. I figure community college would be cheaper than a big university. Some strengths that I have in English are that I am a quick reader and a good writer. Also I enjoy writing essays. I feel like that is definitely going to be one of my strengths in this class. My biggest weakness is definitely punctuation. I always have a problem with that,and usually I have to go over my papers a couple of times to make sure that I have all of the punctuation correct. Sometimes I just get lazy and do not spend enough time checking my work.
    So,my goals this year are to get all A's and B's and to get top sixteen at state for swimming.

    1. Attending a CC is becoming a more popular idea, Jesse, as students realize that their credits will transfer easily to university after a year or two. Then you can stay closer to home and maybe work while paying lower tuition. I'm looking forward to working with you this year to reach your goals. Good luck with swimming:)

  41. After high school I hope to attend either San Diego state, north Carolina or maybe even Princeton, depending on where I get the most scholarship money for golf. My strengths in English are I don't mind reading and I enjoy writing essays. My biggest weakness is I am a slow reader. This has been something I've always struggled with. My goals for the year are a 3.2 gpa and a 27 on my act retake, and mr. Golf.

    1. You must be excited, Henry, about potentially earning a golf scholarship from one of those excellent universities. I'm looking forward to watching your career wrap up next spring, and to helping you reach your goals relative to AP.

    2. That would be really cool to get a big golf scholarship for college. It was nice hearing about this in our interviews about each other in class. Best of luck on your act.

  42. After high school, I plan on attending college. I am not sure exactly where I want to go, but I will soon. I will go to college for Business Management. Some day I hope to run my own business or franchise an already existing business. I am taking A.P. English to help strengthen my reading and writing skills. As of now, those skills are not that great. My goals for this year are to maintain a high gpa and keep a high work ethic. Also, I wouldn't mind a state championship in soccer.

    1. I'm in the same boat as you Austin, I also don't know where to go to college. Also I hope you get your goal of a state championship in soccer. I'll be rooting for you! :)

    2. Lots of great business schools out there to choose from, Austin, including GVSU. I'm looking forward to working with you this year to attain your goal of improving your English skills and earning some college credit! Good luck in soccer. Looks like you're off to a pretty good start.

  43. When I am done with high school, I do plan on going to college. I'm still undecided where I want to go but I will defiantly be going somewhere! I am taking AP English this year so I can making my reading skills and reading comprehension skills better. A strength of mine in English is probably writing papers, I have a very creative mind. A goal for me this year is to get good grades throughout the whole school year and boost my GPA. Another goal is for my team to win in the first round of the playoffs this year in football!

    1. Still some time to make that college decision, Jonny, but the days are numbered. The nice thing is that you can just take gen ed credits during the first year and then decide on a major in second year. I'm looking forward to having you in class and helping you achieve your goal of earning college credit! Good luck in football. Tough loss Friday night but plenty more opportunities ahead.

    2. I definitely agree with you when you say you have a creative mind Jonny. Maybe we can use that creativity to spark our offense a little bit...

  44. I plan on attending either Michigan or East Carolina University after high school. I want to become a DDS (Doctor of Dental Science). By taking AP English, I want to become a better reader and writer. I also think by learning new vocabulary words in this class, i will expand in those two things. I believe that I am a better reader than writer when it comes to english. My personal goals for the upcoming year are to make it to the Breslin Center in the state basketball tournament and qualify for the state tournament in tennis.

    1. East Carolina or Michigan both sound like great schools. I think that it would be interesting to travel to college somewhere very far away from home. I can't wait to fly from the coop myself.

    2. I'm looking forward to working with you this year, Erik, to achieve your goal of earning some college credit and making it into UM or ECU. I'm impressed that you want to become a DDS. I don't know much about ECU, but UM has a terrific program for that. Good luck:)

  45. My post high school plans are to go to the University of Detroit Mercy, where I plan to play soccer. I am still an undecided major, however I am interested in something that is a health related major. I am taking AP English because I would like to improve my reading comprehension. My goals for my highschool senior year are to strengthen relationships, become a better athlete, and practice better study habits and organizational skills.

    1. UDM! An interesting choice of college, Adam. I'm glad you'll get to continue your soccer career at the next level. You've been a big part of Spring Lake's success the past couple of years. I'm looking forward to working with you to attain your goal of earning college credit to further your medical/health career

  46. I have begun to strongly lean towards the University of Michigan as my choice of college. They have a highly ranked Aerospace Engineering program there, and that is what I would like my major to be. My academic goals for the school year are just to keep my grades up. I'd like to win a District or Regional title in multiple sports too.

    1. I'm impressed, Carter, that you're planning on a career in Aerospace Engineering. You must possess some crazy math skills. I envy you that. I'm looking forward to working with you this year toward your goal of earning some college credit, whether that be UM or elsewhere.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. I plan on going on to college. I would like to attend Northwestern in Chicago. I am going to go for pre-med then continue on to medical school to become a Cardiac Surgeon. I hope to gain everything! I would like to become a better reader especially. English is just one of those things that don’t come easy to me. It's really all my weakness. It's a little less of the writing skill as it is interpreting. Like everyone else, one of my important goals is to maintain good grades and be able to manage time as a senior in high school. As for personal goals, I want to do something with my tennis. Other than that I have no idea.

    Madison Khem
    4th hour

  49. Maddy, our goals are very much a like! I hope you have a terrific senior year!

  50. That was suppose to be a reply to Maddy leech. I am doing this all wrong.
    Anyways, my goal for after high school is to attend college, I'm not sure where though. I am taking AP English to become a better reader. My goal for senior year is to have fun and be stress free!

  51. I am planning on attending college. I'm still unsure where exactly I'm going to end up but I enjoy biology and am interested in the health sciences. Possible careers are still up in the air for me but I will figure that out later. I'm excited for this season of soccer and am expecting a State Championship ring, so GO LAKERS.

    1. I know that no matter what you do Erik, you will do great. I know for a fact that you are very strong in sciences so I know you will do fine. Also, I wish you best of luck in soccer.

  52. Grant James

    I am planning on attending college after high school to study Philosophy. I'm interested in taking AP English not only because I like the the art of writing but because I find it to already parallel many things in philosophy (IE: Aristotelian triangle) but yet offer another side of thought that some philosophers oppose (rhetoric).

    1. Grant! My brother is majoring in Philosophy. If you ever need help with any of it I am sure he would love to help!

  53. I plan on attending either Hope or Loyola after graduating high school. I am not sure what I want to go into, but I will figure that one out eventually. I love English, and have always enjoyed it, so that is why I wanted to take this class. I hope that this year is fun, and not to stressful.

  54. I don't know what school I'll be attending but I will get my Bachelor's in Genetics or the like. I hope to get a broad range of literature under my belt in addition to improving my writing skills. I am told I am a poetic person, but I know I am lacking in grammar, so that will be the area I will be working on. I am a great reader; I can read quickly and understand the material quickly, and I delve into the psychology of characters. Even when I am reading for pleasure I look for themes, motifs, symbols, so I generally analyze the book as a whole. Now that I understand ethos, pathos and logos better, I can apply them to not just persuasive pieces but entertaining ones also. This year I plan on working hard but also enjoying myself. It's a good thing I enjoy learning 'cause I have Human Anatomy and Physiology, AP English and AP Spanish, so I am very, very excited for this year. Plus I have Chemistry II next trimester so fun fun!!
    Ronald Madrid 5th Hour

  55. At long last it works....
    I plan to attend either U of M, or MSU.... but, I kinda think green is UGLY. I guess I will just have to wait and see where the pieces fall.
    The reason I an taking AP English is to expand my vocabulary. Also, I want to become a stronger speller. My goals for the year are to stay on the honnor roll and keep becoming a better student. I want to just keep having fun as well so yeah... Eric Teays signing off.

  56. My post secondary plans are to go to Michigan State University and study special education for at least four years. During this time I plan on getting experiences in schools with the special needs children to help me be succesful after college. By taking AP English I hope to be able to understand a book inside out and be able to get the true meaning that it's trying to convey. I also hope to become a better writer and broaden my horizon of words. My strengths in English would probably be vocab and some essays. My weaknesses are, when reading, understanding what the book is trying to convey. Some of my school goals for my senior year are to maintain a 3.5 gpa and remain in NHS. My personal goals are to tackle swimming along with all of my classes and not go crazy.

    1. I am hoping for the same thing with the book reading. I can read them just fine, but finding and understanding the true meaning of them can be a challenge.

    2. I think that's awesome that you want to go into a career with special needs children as well. To me they are the most incredable kids in the world. They brighten my day by just seeing ones face. I have been active in special needs childrens lives and have enjoyed every minute of it. Have you?

  57. After this year I will be heading off to college. I'm not sure where yet but I kinda want to go somewhere warm and far away just to experience something different, however out of state tuition may be a problem if that's the case. I am hoping to go into Pre-med studies and I am considering joining the Air Force in order to pay for medical school. I am taking this class along with a few other APs in order to better well round myself for college studies. I also enjoy reading and absorbing perspectives from the books I read.

  58. After high school I am definitely going to college, I just have no idea where yet. Right now I am thinking Michigan State University because I would like to do something with animals, maybe big animal vet. I have always enjoyed english class, reading books I wouldn't normally read on my own, so I am looking forward to that this year. Also since it is an AP class there is a chance to earn some college credt, so that is a plus. My goal for senior year is to have a lot of fun, but not get caught up in senioritis. I really need to work on my studying skills and get rid of my bad procrastination habit before I go off to college. I think AP english will help with that.

  59. After high school I plan to attend college to study Pre-Med. I have been looking at the University of Michigan and at Washington and Lee, a college in Lexington, Virginia. I have done the most research on these two schools, but will apply to a number of other colleges as well. I am taking AP English because I really like the subject, and I love reading. I am really looking forward to a lot of the books we will be reading this year. My strengths in English include reading and grammar skills. I would like to become a better writer. Some of my goals for senior year are to be in the play and musical, to maintain a 3.9 GPA, and to just have fun for my last year of high school!

  60. My post secondary plans are to go to college. I havne't decided where yet but I am going to apply all over and decide from there. My dream is to become a Special Education teacher. I have already helped in classrooms with special needs children and joined a bible study group to teach special needs children about god. I am taking AP English because english is one of my favorite subjects. I love to read and write and would like to improve on it and I am hoping that this class will help me do that. My strengths in English is the creative mind I have when I write and my weakness is my grammer. My goals for my senior year are to maintain a high GPA, stay focused, do well in volleyball and soccer, and most of all make it a good and fun final year at Spring Lake.
